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Dive into a brilliant study of the Book of Revelation by Jerry Marshall compiled over a period of 35 years behind the pulpit – simply one of the very best studies ever done on the Book of Revelation.
If you would like The Book Of Revelation Study delivered weekly to your email inbox, subscribe below.
Steve McAtee
6 min read
Week 1 - Essential Features of the Book of Revelation
Authored by Jerry Marshall The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to Apostle John, who was commanded by the Lord to write...
Steve McAtee
13 min read
Week 2 - A Vision of the Glorified Son of Man Revelation 1:9-20
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: According to the record and pattern of scripture, whenever God appeared to someone, it was...
Steve McAtee
9 min read
Week 3 - The Letter to the Church in Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7
Authored by Jerry Marshall In Revelation chapters two and three, we have a record of personal letters from the exalted Lord to the seven...
Steve McAtee
9 min read
Week 4 - A Church in a Hostile Environment Revelation 2:8-11
Authored by Jerry Marshall The true church always exists in a hostile environment. Jesus foretold that those who are His would be hated...
Steve McAtee
10 min read
Week - 5 "When Tolerance is Not a Virtue" Part 1 Revelation 2:12-17
Authored by Jerry Marshall As many of you know, there is in our culture a very strong value for tolerance. As a matter of fact, this term...
Steve McAtee
11 min read
Week - 6 "When Tolerance is No Longer a Virtue" Part 2 Revelation 2:18-29
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: The letters from the exalted Lord to the church of Pergamum and the church in Thyatira, serve to...
Steve McAtee
10 min read
Week - 7 "A Corpse May Be Beautiful, but it is Still Dead!" Revelation 3:1-6
Authored by Jerry Marshall MacArthur, in his commentary on the book of Revelation, began the chapter that relates to our study today by...
Steve McAtee
8 min read
Week - 8 The Rewards for Being a Faithful Church Revelation 3:7-13
Authored by Jerry Marshall The exclusive claims of Biblical Christianity serve as the flash point of controversy with those who do not...
Steve McAtee
13 min read
Week - 9 What Sours the Stomach of The Savior? Revelation 3:14-22
Authored by Jerry Marshall A national survey of American adults by the Barna Research Group, found that 8 out of 10 (84%), of those who...
Steve McAtee
13 min read
Week - 10 The Throne Room OF Heaven Revelation 4 & 5 Part 1
Authored by Jerry Marshall John was commanded to write about certain sights and sounds that he had never seen or heard before. For at...
Steve McAtee
13 min read
Week - 11 A Vision of The Worthy Lamb Revelation 5
Authored by Jerry Marshall When old Fred arrived in heaven, there was hardly any line. He didn’t have to wait more than a minute before...
Steve McAtee
14 min read
Week - 12 The Beginning of the End Revelation 6:1-8
Authored by Jerry Marshall Art Linkletter saw a small boy drawing a picture. He inquired, “What are you drawing?” The small boy replied,...
Steve McAtee
11 min read
Week - 13 THE GREATEST REVIVAL EVER! Revelation 7:1-17
Authored by Jerry Marshall The passionate plea of the fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ is that he might behold a time of great...
Steve McAtee
11 min read
Week - 14 The Ravaging of Mother Nature Revelation 8
Authored by Jerry Marshall There are many people today who are very concerned about saving the earth’s environment. Former Vice President...
Steve McAtee
11 min read
Week - 15 The Coming Demonic Plagues Revelation 9 Part One
Authored by Jerry Marshall Imagine with me for just a moment what our world would be like if all the doors of all the penitentiaries on...
Steve McAtee
9 min read
Week - 16 The Sixth Trumpet: A Demonic Cavalry Revelation 9:13-21
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: Today in our study of Revelation 9:13-21, we will observe that God must intervene and enable...
Steve McAtee
11 min read
Week - 17 “No More Delay” Revelation 10:1-11
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: Nothing seems to vex the souls of those who know God and are right with God than to witness the...
Steve McAtee
13 min read
Week - 18 "Two Who Rocked Their World" Revelation 11:1-14
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: Without question, the Bible indicates that our God values communicating with those whom He has...
Steve McAtee
10 min read
Week - 19 The Sounding of the Seventh Trumpet Revelation 11:15-19
Authored by Jerry Marshall The passage that is the focus of our study today speaks of the ultimate outcome of God’s final judgment. The...
Steve McAtee
10 min read
Week - 20 The Ultimate Cosmic Conflict Revelation 12:1-6 Part One
Authored by Jerry Marshall What we have before us is a vision, which portrays in dramatic fashion, the ongoing bitter spiritual warfare...
Steve McAtee
10 min read
Week - 21 The Ultimate Cosmic Conflict Revelation 12:7-17 Part Two
Authored by Jerry Marshall The person of Satan is surrounded with a lot of myth and misunderstanding. He is usually presented as a sort...
Steve McAtee
10 min read
Week - 22 The Beast and the False Prophet Revelation 13:1-10 Part One
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: In times of great calamity and tribulation in world history, people naturally seek a leader, a...
Steve McAtee
9 min read
Week - 23 The Beast and the False Prophet Revelation 13:1-18 Part Two
Authored by Jerry Marshall Several years ago, the Chicago Tribune reported the story of a New Mexico woman who was frying tortillas when...
Steve McAtee
8 min read
Week - 24 An Evil Parody of the Holy Trinity Revelation 13:11-18
Authored by Jerry Marshall Jesus described the Devil as “a murderer from the beginning” and, “one who does not stand in the truth...
Steve McAtee
11 min read
Week - 25 The Character Qualities of Godly ServantsRevelation 14:1-5
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: Back in Revelation seven, we were first introduced to those central characters who emerge on...
Steve McAtee
12 min read
Week - 26 Three Angelic Messengers Revelation 14:6-11
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: About a decade ago, there seemed to be a profound interest in angels demonstrated by the...
Steve McAtee
8 min read
Week - 27 Happy Are The Dead? Revelation 14:12-13
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: Happiness, for many people is their ultimate prize in this life. They give all their efforts...
Steve McAtee
15 min read
Week - 28 A Prelude to Doomsday Revelation 15:1-4
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: An old farmer went to the city one weekend and attended the big city church. He came home and...
Steve McAtee
14 min read
Week -29 The Seven Last Plagues Revelation 16:1-21
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: A while back, Bill Moyers hosted a program on PBS called; “Genesis: A Living Conversation.” ...
Steve McAtee
16 min read
Week - 30 The Destruction of the Mother of Harlots Revelation 17:1-18
Authored by Jerry Marshall Introduction: German socialist Karl Marx once said “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the...
Steve McAtee
9 min read
Week - 31 A Requiem for the Final World Empire Revelation 18:1-24
Authored by Jerry Marshall It seems hard to believe, but the death of Diana, Princess of Wales happened twenty three ago. As you may...
Steve McAtee
14 min read
Week - 32 In Defense of a Pre-tribulational RaptureOf the Church
Authored by Jerry Marshall Christ could come at any moment for His church. I believe that with all my heart. Not because of the signs...
Steve McAtee
11 min read
Week - 33 The Ultimate Hallelujah Chorus Revelation 19:1-10
Authored by Jerry Marshall In 1741, a brilliant, yet hot-tempered German composer began to work on a musical masterpiece that even till...
Steve McAtee
13 min read
Week - 34 The Conquest of The Coming King Revelation 19:11-21
Authored by Jerry Marshall A man who lived in Chicago had just left the snow filled streets and the biting winter wind called “the hawk”...
Steve McAtee
4 min read
Week - 35 “His Kingdom Has Come” Revelation 20
Authored by Jerry Marshall The phrase “thousand years” occurs six times in Revelation 20:1–7. This period in history is known as “the...
Steve McAtee
19 min read
Week - 36 The Eternal State Revelation 21-22:5
Authored by Jerry Marshall The Bible refers to heaven more than five hundred times. The book of Revelation alone mentions heaven about...
Steve McAtee
15 min read
Week - 37 The Epilogue of the Book of Revelation Revelation 22:6-21
Authored by Jerry Marshall Having taken the reader through the amazing sweep of future history all the way to the eternal state all that...
Steve McAtee
43 min read
Week - 38 Survey of the Book of Revelation
Authored by Jerry Marshall The Essential Features of The Book of Revelation The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to...
Steve McAtee
42 min read
Week - 39 II. The Saved Multitudes Revelation 7:9-17
Authored by Jerry Marshall It’s important to note some of the contrast between the first vision mentioned in (7:1-8) and this second...
Steve McAtee
6 min read
Week - 40 Essential Features of the Book of Revelation Teacher Copy
Authored by Jerry Marshall The book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to Apostle John, who was commanded by the Lord to write...
Steve McAtee
46 min read
Week - 41 A Survey Study of Revelation A Requiem for the Final World EmpireRevelation 18:1-24
Authored by Jerry Marshall It seems hard to believe, but the death of Diana, Princess of Wales happened twelve three ago. As you may...
Steve McAtee
2 min read
Week - 42 THE GREAT TRIBULATION Revelation 7:2-3
Authored by Jerry Marshall Most Christians acknowledge the reality of a time of tribulation, but there is considerable debate concerning...
Steve McAtee
3 min read
Week - 43 The Letters to the Seven Churches
Authored by Jerry Marshall The Church in Ephesus (Revelation 2:1-7) A. The Lord’s Complement (2:1-3) 1. Their service (v.2) 2. Their...
Steve McAtee
1 min read
Week - 44 THE SEVEN SEALS Revelation 6:1
Authored by Jerry Marshall
Steve McAtee
3 min read
Week - 45 VIEWS ON THE MILLENNIUM Revelation 20
Authored by Jerry Marshall The 1,000 years are often referred to as the Millennium (Latin for 1,000). There are three major views about...
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